I have three friends who have lost 50lbs or greater by adding weights to their exercise routine.
One at Curves, one at the YMCA and the third at another local fitness center. I am so proud of them and tell them often.
It was when they started regularly with weights/resistance training in their workout.
I can tell at night when I don't do weights/resistance training, I wake up at 2:00 a.m. and can't turn my brain off. I lay there until 4:00 a.m., trying to fall asleep. Quite the opposite on days of resistance training, I sleep like a baby.
Just like running, when I fall off the wagon, due to work schedules or hectic home life or the long Wisconsin winters, I have taught myself to slowly get back on track. It happened this winter. We spent New Year's Eve camping on the San Diego beach, wearing warmer weather clothes. I was out of shape all over.Nothing like a picture to point it out to you.
I returned home and got back on track. Abs are back in shape, other areas slimmed down and I have endless energy.
Getting back into the habit goes like this:
I have a Bowflex, but a resistance band with padded handles and a door anchor is a cheaper alternative. Not too expensive.
The first week my goal is to LIKE resistance training again. I choose my two favorites.
The chest fly/lunge and the seated floor back extension.
In between each set of 12 lifts, I either jog on my treadmill for one minute(or jog in place) or jump rope for one minute, but resting is good too. After all, it is only week one. :)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday starter plan
(should take a total about 8 minutes a day):
Start with the CHEST FLY/LUNGE:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJq80b5PtqI&feature=relmfu here is a linked video
Chest fly & forward lunge - 12 times
rest one minute
Chest fly & forward lunge - 12 times
rest one minue
Then move to: Seated Floor Back extension for your back and abs. Sit upright on the floor. Lean back toward the floor and keep you back straight. (Backwards situps) just like the picture below. You should feel yours abs working. Keep your core tight.
seated floor back extension - 15 times
jog or jumprope 1 minute
seated floor back extension - 15 times
jog or jumprope 1 minute
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