Wellness Weekend - Eagle Harbor Inn

>> Sunday, April 29, 2012

 Friday 5:00 p.m. Eagle Harbor Inn, Ephraim, WI:  Wellness weekend, I'm here!!! I've arrived!!!! I'm ready!!!!

Entering the door of the Tamarack house,  walking up the stairs into the bright condo, the weekend starts.

Saturday Morning started with the class "Journaling Our Way into Well-Being" and moved into "Mindful Yoga". (No, Donald, we did not sit around and chant, and yes, I can have a cellphone).

Both sessions were taught by Beth Coleman and were some of the best classes I have attended. I was excited to learn everyone in the class already "journaled".

In the late afternoon Natalie invited us in the Inn kitchen for Hors D'oeuvres Display & Tasting With Recipes.

My favorite: The rosemary lavosh. 

What a day.... turning into a relaxing evening, filled with conversation, in front of the fireplace.

Waiting for Summer, a little relaxing is in order. 


Weight Resistance Wednesday #2

>> Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting back in the habit, step 2, goes like this......


On Monday, Wednesday, Friday, follow week 1, but this week add to it the.....

Lat pulldown and row combination. This hyperlink is from Livestrong.com (it is a good video).
Do 12 reps of the lat pulldown and row combination
Rest for 1 minute walking/jogging on treadmill or jumping rope
Do another 12 reps of the lat pulldown and row combination
Reat for 1 minute walking/jogging on treadmill or jumping rope

The total workout should take about 12 minutes.


Why not water?

>> Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In the middle of January, I had come down with something.  I spent about four days in bed. My throat hurt from sinus drainage and as a result, I didn't eat much. I did however continuously drink ice water.
I realized dehydration or just plain not staying hydrated can make even the smallest amount of cellulite look worse.
I knew this because my legs looked great and because by the end of the four days I was being totally hydrated.

I told Don, while in school we learned in History that Ponce De Leon was looking for the fountain of youth' and here we have been sitting on it the whole time! And yet we still don't drink enough water.
The book Watercure has intrigued me, I am going to read on. I cannot figure out why I or others don't like to drink water. One of my co-workers said it was because they didn't have time to make that many bathroom stops. I don't drink water because in my head I am convinced the taste is boring. Too much soda? You think?


Pad Thai for Lunch!

>> Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday night while Don was visiting with his "guy" friends, I made pad thai for supper. And, because I always cook for at least two, I had leftover noodles.
Pad Thai for lunch on Monday!

2 oz dry Habubaku noodles (World Market) that have been boiled and drained (like pasta)
2 tbsp Thai Kitchen Pad Thai Sauce
1 tbsp peanut butter (I prefer almond butter)
Dash of onion powder
1 scrambed egg
1 tbsp chopped cilantro

I tossed the noodles with cilantro and refrigerated overnight.

For lunch the morning:
I put the noodles in a tupperware bowl.
I topped it with the Thai sauce
threw the dollop on peanut butter on top
sprinkled with onion powder
I scambled an egg and three on the top.

At lunchtime, I heated in the microwave, and tossed it all together.
353 calories, 14.5 g fat, 40 g carbs, 16 g protein



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