>> Saturday, August 27, 2011
It's a beautiful weekend. Windows are open and I am starting to see hints of Fall coming our way.
Cammie and Justin are home this weekend. Tomatoes and peppers are a-plenty so here are the plans for this weekend:
- Cammie and I are canning pepper jelly (recipe in my Ball Blue Book), two different batches, habanero and chipotle. This jelly is great on Rosemary oatmeal crackers
- Making White Bean Tomato Salad.
- Mixing up Sassafras Iced Tea
White Bean Tomato Salad
- 1 can of Cannellini, Navy or Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained
- 2 beautiful tomatoes, diced
- 2 T. olive oil
- 1 t. lemon juice
- 2 t. white wine vinegar
- 1 t. minced garlic
- Salt and pepper to taste
- A little chopped flatleaf parsley
"Hints of Fall" out in the yard, early this morning.
The Carousel Barberry is starting to change colors on the end. It will be a brilliant sight when the whole bush is a flame.The Copper Frost Birch is also starting to show some color.
The bark peels and becomes salmon colored later in the Fall.
Sedum will bloom this week.
Black-eyed Susans thriving
This is my favorite. The Heavenly Blue Morning Glory vine will bloom until the snow kills it. I am eagerly waiting for blooms to appear. When it does bloom, it will deserve a dedicate post of it's own.