Simply Salad

>> Saturday, August 13, 2011

These sprouts are Simply Salad Alfresco seeds from Stokes.
The seeds were planted one week ago in the 24"w x 8"h terra cotta pot.
This seed is a multi-seed pellet which means 3 seeds are encapsulated in a pellet that breaksdown in the soil. The pellet is easier to plant because it is uniform in size and larger than the individual seed.
A pack of seeds is about $5.75.
See how all the sprouts are closer to the center. At a later date, I could plant more seeds around the outside and keep the "age" of the plants varied. We will have lettuce all summer long.
These seeds will be ready to harvest in about 3 weeks.

It will look like below when it is ready to cut and eat.
The greatest thing is how decorative it is. Looks good on the patio AND will give you many, many salads.
I grow multiple containers whose planting is staggered.
Each time you cut salad greens, cut it about 2 inches from the dirt. 
It will continue to regrow.

To add to the salad for flavor, I grow flat leaf parsley on the edge of the patio.
I planted a black plastic pot in the ground filled with good soil.
You know why I use the pot?
 So Don would not think it was a weed and mow over it.

I 'll leave you with a picture of the pink Naked Lady lillies.
They go from under the dirt to this picture in 5 days.
They are called Naked Lady because the leaves of the plant grow in Spring, then wilt and die.
A few weeks later, the flower grows out of the ground.



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