Dad aka Elvis?
>> Saturday, November 27, 2010
My mom and dad's wedding picture, May, 1958.
What are you doing to be Healthier?
Thanksgiving is coming up and we are heading to Pensacola on Wednesday to see the family. Where has 2010 gone? I just reviewed my 2010 resolutions , to see how I've done so far. THERE IS STILL TIME.....
Not everything was planned this last year. Who knew that Sassy would be joining our family? She came for a weekend and here she stayed.
Something fun that I am going to add to my to do list this year is to follow the migration of wildlife online. When I was in grade school/middle school we lived near Rochester, MN, on a hobby farm with five acres of oak trees. One evening about dusk, the oak trees filled with monarch butterflies. I rode my horse through the trees plucking butterfly after butterfly out of the branches. I thought I was going to save them in a jar, but there were so many that I gave up. The next morning they were gone.
Don and I took to the road at 5:00 last night. We left town heading up to Fish Creek, Door County, Wisconsin for the weekend.
I had our picnic basket for Adult Art Night complements of Linda and Meghan at Kavarna.
I'm done! I finished reading. You, Being Beautiful by Dr. Mehmet Oz. "Happiness is really rooted in simplicity....remove extraneous that you can focus on the important task at hand." (page 332)
I went with my friend, Sue Christianson,(picture right below) attending the IHI conference.
The temperature reached 80 degrees while we were there
. The pictures of the water and Seaport Village are from the balcony of our hotel.
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