Rain Garden

>> Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It has been an evolution from learning to eat healthier, to growing my own foods, toward greener living.

I have my friend, David, to thank for that.

He taught me to build a cold frame and to put rain barrels under all the downspouts of the roof.
The benefit is that we have a source of water that is preferable to city water for irrigating gardens. Rain barrels reduce the amount of storm water running into rivers and lakes and allows for recycling that rain water back into the garden as needed.

We made our own rain barrels from recycled food-grade plastic containers from the local food processor.
After cutting a whole in the lid, we bought screening material, stretched it over the top of the barrel, put the lid back on and fastened it down.

The mesh screen prevents organic matter and insects from contaminating the water.

Don insalled the overflow valve and the spigot.

I attach a soaker hose (that stays in the flower bed year round) to the spigot and I turn it on to water the flowers in the bed.
The barrel is elevated on blocks to increase pressure and waterflow.

The barrel is pretty bright blue, but  you could put a simple and inexpensive willow fence (Home Depot) around the barrel.

Below is a picture of one of our gardens watered with the rain barrel and the soaker hose.


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