Salty Kitchen

>> Monday, January 27, 2014

 Kitchen design this week. Our preferred work flow is to maximize counter top and to continue the organized efficiency theme.
We are re-purposing the stainless steel sink from the original Salty. 
The stove and oven were cute but toast.
 The last few years we have rented trailers in San Diego for a family reunion vacation and our last and newest trailer was equipped with a microwave/convection oven. 
The advantage to a combo like that is that the cooking/baking does not heat up the trailer.
We are going to mount it low, where the former oven was located.
Experience also says that a 3 burner stove top is rarely used (especially with the microwave availability). A portable conduction burner will suffice.  We preferred it due to the built in safety feature, when the pan is removed the burner automatically shuts off. Burner settings are either Hi Med, Low or the exact temperature (such as 110 degrees). You choose. 
When not in use, it is stored.
DUXTOP 1800-Watt Portable Induction Cooktop Countertop Burner 8100MC   Took the stove out of the trailer and using portable safe conduction burner

Experience also says that a 3 burner stove top is never used (especially with the microwave availability). A portable conduction burner will suffice.  We preferred it due to the built in safety feature, when the pan is removed the burner automatically shuts off.

My favorite part of the kitchen design was cabinetry, the efficiency challenge. Knowing the appliances above, I used the 3D kitchen planner on the website. IKEA cabinets can be  small and efficient.
We only purchased drawers and doors to keep the weight in the trailer down. The cabinet framework is part of the trailer frame design.



Salty Board Meeting #1

>> Sunday, January 19, 2014

We attended the WBAY RV & Camping Show  at Shopko Hall to get ideas for design.
We learned we can order the new outside siding in 24" heights. 
I was impressed with efficiency bathroom: a little corner sink installed in the shower, similar to sailboats.We put it in our plan.


We didn't intend to do this!

>> Monday, January 6, 2014

In August 2013, sight unseen, we bought a 1978 20 foot Prowler Travel Trailer listed on Craigslist for $500. Our intent: to freshen it up with a little white paint, new tires and new fabric. It would become our beach home every summer.

Don brought home what he called "the tenement on wheels", parked it in the driveway and quickly  painted the outside to appease the neighbors.

Several weeks later, we tore into it, removed 1000 lbs of interior and made a sizable deposit at the city dump. When we bought the trailer, we didn't mean to do this.

In 2014, we will spend six months (February to July) creating our Ultimate Beach Trailer on the chassis of the 1978 Prowler.

P.S. The trailer now answers to the name of "Salty".



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