Gardening Update
>> Saturday, June 26, 2010
All the rain has the lavendar busting out all over.
It is running over onto the patio, into the pussywillows and the day lillies.
Dried lavendar bouquets will eventually be hanging in the basement.
I had a large shrub die this past winter, today I planted Heavenly Blue Morning Glories (grown from seed in
the cold frame)at the base. The dead shrub will act as a trellis to hold the vines and blooms.
The tomato plants are thriving. I used a pussy willow branch as the support. I am sure the pussy willow will take root in the pot as well and the steroids that the roots put out should promote growth for the tomatoes.
In the Spring, I cut the pussy willow bush down to about 12" from the ground, save the rods and keep them in a 5 gallon Menards bucket full of water on the back patio. They root incredibly fast and I replant or use in other ways. There is no need to remove them from the bucket until I think of something to use them for. They are happy waiting. Often I use the water the rods have been rooting in to pour on other plants doing poorly and then refill the bucket with fresh water for the rods. The zucchini at the far end of the garden has lots of flowers on it. I placed it there so it was out of the way of the gravel walkway as it grows and starts spreading.
Summer's harvest of lettuce from the cold frame; zucchini and tomatoes sounds delicious.